Lab 1 — DPS909

Ekaterina Grinberg
2 min readSep 22, 2020

Testing Release 0.1

For this lab, we were required to test and review the code of Release 0.1 of a classmate. Looking for a partner was pretty easy. As soon as I posted a message on Slack, classmates replied with their interest to work together for this lab.

After cloning the repository of my classmate and following the installation instruction the tool was not working as expected. I kept getting an error that the command is not found. I reached my partner on Slack and report him about this issue. Additionally, I reviewed his code and noticed several issues that can be fixed and improved. I created these issues on his project repo.

  • Author name — I noticed that in his package.json file the author of the project is missing. It is important to include the name of the author so people know who created and wrote the code.
  • Tool name — The tool name in his package.json file was not reflecting his actual tool name.
  • Adding a shebang line — adding a shebang line tells our system what interpreter to use to execute that file.

Personally I like when people review my code because it helps me to be a better programmer. There is always room for improvement and learning.

The following issue was created in my project repo :

Use let instead of var — the classmate who reviewed my code recommended me to use let instead of var when declaring variable outside of the function. I quickly google the topic and agree with his suggestion. The issue was fixed and closed.

